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I usually don't like sweet and powdery perfumes. And this is both of these things. But I still really, really like this one! On the days when I crave this, nothing else works (and I have tried to find a substitute). So I was super happy when I found it here, since it's really hard to find outside of USA these days! I get the lychee and a perfect balance of vanilla and heliotrope with a hint of sandalwood. I find i "What we do..." both fun and comforting and a perfect change when I don't feel like I'm in the mood for my usual smoke- and incense-forward scents.
I got a sample of this i really liked it I don’t normally like baby powder fragrances but there something really interesting about this one lasted a really long time on my skin too
Unieke realisatie van een perfecte balans tussen veel verschillende klassieke geurnoten maar modern gebracht: nooit overheersend en telkens weer anders. Subliem!
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